Cowboy Rice Salad


Cowboy Rice Salad
Prep Time 20 mins
Course: Salad
Cuisine: Western
Servings: 8
Author: Nagi


  • 1 ½ cups brown rice (Note 1)
  • 2 ¾ cups water


  • 1/3 cup lime juice, plus more to taste
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 1 ½ tbsp honey
  • ½ tsp chipotle powder (sub with smoked paprika + cayenne pepper)
  • 1/2 tsp cumin powder
  • ½ tsp garlic powder (or 1 garlic clove, minced)
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • Black Pepper


  • 1 red capsicum/bell pepper, diced
  • 1 green capsicum/bell pepper, diced
  • 1 small red onion, chopped
  • 1 x 400g / 14 oz corn kernels, drained
  • 1 x 400g / 14 oz black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 3 tomatoes, watery seeds removed then diced
  • 1 cup coriander/cilantro leaves, roughly chopped (Note 2)


  1. Place rice and water into a medium saucepan over medium high heat. Place lid on. When water starts simmering, turn down to low and simmer for 15 minutes until water has evaporated and rice is firm / tender cooked. Remove saucepan (lid on) from stove, stand for 10 minutes, fluff with fork. Cool to room temperature (transfer to large bowl and refrigerate to speed up process).
  2. Place Dressing ingredients in a jar, shake. Taste test, adjust to your taste.
  3. Place Salad ingredients and rice in a bowl. Drizzle with dressing. Toss, then serve. Fantastic served straight away and even the next day!

Recipe Notes
1. I like making this with brown rice because I like the slight nutty flavour, I think it adds more interest to the salad. However, it's super terrific made with white rice too. If using white rice (normal, not jasmine/basmati or other fragrant white rice), it's best to use long grain rice. Next best is medium grain. Short grain and sushi rice will be a too sticky for this rice salad, in my opinion.
If using WHITE RICE, use 2 1/4 cups of water for 1 1/2 cups of uncooked white rice. While many BROWN RICE packets say to use 2 cups of water for every 1 cup of rice, I find that it doesn't apply when scaling up. So for me, I use less than double - so for 1 1/2 cups of rice, I use 2 3/4 cups of water instead of 3 cups.
2. Coriander/cilantro is a pretty staple herb for a Southwestern salad! However, if you do not like / have it but are busting to make this salad (I don't blame you), I think the best sub is either 1 1/2 cups of finely sliced shallots / scallions or 3/4 cup finely chopped chives. Different flavour, but still a nice burst of freshness to replace the coriander. Parsley will also be a suitable substitute (3/4 cup chopped) however I don't think it adds flavour as much as the other subs I suggested.
3. Storage: Keeps for 3 days in the fridge.
4. This rice salad is my rice salad version of this famous Cowboy Caviar by Culinary Hill!